Jan 31, 2011

Boy Dunks Himself Through Basketball Hoop

10 points madafakah xD


Northern Skies

Dido. Remix/Rollo Version

I have returned to northern skies
Where summer hasn't touched
The clouds that pass above

I have returned to sombre greys
Of days too early to come
And too hurried to stay

I have left a million stars
And an ocean light and clearly blue
I have left the warmth of the sun
And a million adventures not yet begun
For once there was beauty here for me
Under the wide northern skies
And once there was magic here for me
Under the wide northern skies

 I saw trees as green and this dark as blue
Heartbreak and poetry with deeper roots
And now I know this is lonely country
And it leads me only back to the sea...


Jan 30, 2011




Jarabe De Palo

Por un beso de la flaca
daría lo que fuera
por un beso de ella
aunque sólo uno fuera

Jan 29, 2011

Cherry Lips


You hold a candle in your heart
You shine the light on hidden parts
You make the whole world wanna dance
You bought yourself a second chance


You Oughta Know

Alannis Morrisette

I want you to know
that I'm happy for you
I wish nothing but the best for you both...

An older version of me
Is she perverted like me
Would she go down on you in a theatre...

Does she speak eloquently
And would she have your baby
I'm sure she'd make a really excellent mother...

'cause the love that you gave that we made wasn't able
To make it enough for you to be open wide

And every time you speak her name
Does she know how you told me you'd hold me
Until you died, till you died
But you're still alive

And I'm here to remind you
Of the mess you left when you went away
It's not fair to deny me
Of the cross I bear that you gave to me
You, you, you oughta know

You seem very well
things look peaceful
I'm not quite as well
I thought you should know

Did you forget about me Mr. Duplicity
I hate to bug you in the middle of dinner
It was a slap in the face how quickly I was replaced
Are you thinking of me when you fuck her?


_-This is DA shit xD ... I Love it-_


Andrés Calamaro

Aunque casi me equivoco
y te digo poco a poco no me mientas
no me digas la verdad, no te quedes callada
no levantes la voz ni me pidas perdón.

Aunque casi te confieso
que también he sido un perro compañero
un perro ideal que aprendió a ladrar
y a volver al hogar para poder comer.

Wrong Impression

Natalie Imbruglia

Falling out, falling out
Haven't you wondered
If this was ever more
Than a crazy idea
Falling out, falling out
Haven't you wondered
What we could've been
... If you'd only let me in


Cementerio Club

Pronto habrá otra vez que partir
Donde nunca nadie quiere ir
... Y es que somos vagabundos
No tenemos ningún rumbo
Sólo sabemos vivir


Jan 28, 2011

December 1914

All Together Now - The Farm

Remember boy that your forefather's died
Lost in millions for a country's pride
Never mention the trenches of Belgium
When they stopped fighting and they were one

A spirit stronger than war was at work that night
December 1914 cold, clear and bright
Countries' borders were right out of sight
They joined together and decided not to fight

All together now, all together now
All together now in no man's land

The same old story again
All those tears shed in vain
Nothing learnt and nothing gained
... Only hope remains

The boys had their say, they said no
Stop the slaughter, let's go home...

Let's go, let's go
Let's go
Let's go home
... All Together Now 


Jan 26, 2011

The Time (Dirty Bit)

 Black Eyed Peas

I've had the time of my life
No I never felt this way before
Yes I swear it's the truth
And I owe it all to you

Jan 21, 2011

Sweet Little Bumblebee

I started to cry
When you walked out that door 
You go bye, bye, bye
I go why, why, why
I'm so lonely and only
Waiting for you
To come back and tell me...

I love you...

I give my heart and my soul to you
To make you see it's true
I'm so confused, baby, can't you see?
Please come rescue me 

Sweet little bumble bee
I know what you want from me...

Jan 16, 2011

Una Semana Cualquiera En La Apacible Ciudad De Lima

En las últimas semanas -por no decir años-, Lima ha sido escenario de una ola delincuencial protagonizada por 'marcas’, secuestradores, asaltantes y sicarios -además de políticos ladrones, por cierto-. ¿Son hechos aislados? Para el (ex)ministro del Interior, Octavio Salazar, así es; pero los hechos cotidianos nos dicen que algo se desborda.

Sólo en esta semana, los 'marcas’ balearon a Raúl Timana y Silvia Laurente, una pareja de esposos comerciantes, luego de ser secuestrados. Como no tenían dinero, fueron heridos. Ambos sufrieron perforaciones en el abdomen.

Otro caso, la hija menor del congresista Freddy Otárola fue secuestrada 'al paso’ cuando salía de sus clases en la Universidad de Lima, en Surco. La adolescente de 18 años logró escapar de sus raptores. Una suerte que no corrió Andrés Castillo Valencia, de 64 años, asesinado en San Juan de Miraflores. El padre de familia fue a recoger a su hija que llegaba de España del aeropuerto internacional Jorge Chávez. Al llegar a su casa, dos delincuentes lo asesinaron de un balazo para robar el equipaje. No se descarta que sus asesinos hayan estado coludidos con el chofer del taxi.

La madrugada del último miércoles, dos sicarios acribillaron y mataron a un dirigente de Construcción Civil en Ventanilla. Carlos Ziñas Gonzales recibió cuatro balazos en el cráneo. Una mafia de construcción del Callao estaría detrás de la muerte del dirigente. Este caso se relacionaría a los crímenes de 12 obreros muertos en lo que va del año por enfrentamiento de bandos y disputas en cobro de cupos de las obras.

(Tomado de Peru21.pe. Julio 2010)

Jan 4, 2011


The Killers

Don’t you wanna come with me?
Don’t you wanna feel my bones...
on your bones?
... It’s only natural

Don’t you wanna swim with me?
Don’t you wanna feel my skin on your skin?
... It’s only natural

Jan 3, 2011

Self Control

Royal Gigolos



Everytime We Touch

Cause everytime we touch, I get this feeling
... And everytime we kiss I swear I can fly.
Can't you feel my heart beat fast?... I want this to last.
I need you by my side...

Cause everytime we touch, I feel this static.
And everytime we kiss, I reach for the sky.
Can't you hear my heart beat slow ?
I can't let you go.
I want you in my life.

Jan 2, 2011

Mortal Kombat Rebirth 2010

Just under eight minutes of something related to Mortal Kombat has been posted on YouTube. The video features Jax -- sans cybernetic arms -- grilling a mysterious perp in a police station. Through some (laborious) exposition, he describes new humanized (and gross) versions of Reptile and Baraka, along with Johnny Cage and a young, beardless Shang Tsung.

At first glance, one might assume it's footage from the new, possibly derailed Mortal Kombat movie. Another possibility, given the video's proximity to E3 and its introductory nature, is that this is a tease for the next Mortal Kombat game. Furthermore, the name of the newly created YouTube account is MortalKombatRebirth, which sounds like a perfectly suitable title for a new entry in the series. A third and altogether frightening possibility: This is all a prelude to a new movie / game tie-in.

We know Warner Bros. is interested in the franchise, so it's safe to assume something is on the horizon. We've contacted WBIE for more info. One way or another, it seems likely we'll hear more by next week.


Why are we happy? Why aren't we happy? By Dan Gilbert

Jan 1, 2011

Welcome To The Club

Right now standing here in line 
open up the door mr frankenstein
cause were here to dance the night away
hey hey!

Welcome to the club now 
gonna pump it up now
this is an emergency
music is my galaxy
welcome to the club now
everybody's up now
got it going on
until the break of dawn

Whine Up

Kat DeLuna featuring Elephant Man