Apr 23, 2014

Vals/ El Tísico

Los Embajadores Criollos

No me beses que estoy muy enfermo
no me beses te pido por favor
hace tiempo no como ni duermo
de pensar en este cruel dolor.

Mucho tiempo ya llevo postrado
en la cama de un hospital
ya la ciencia me ha desahuciado
contagioso y malo dicen que es mi mal.

Si el tísico es mi mal
horrible es mi dolor
la ciencia no puede salvarme
sin saber quien sera el dueño de tu amor
para poder consolarme
ya no vengas no vengas a verme
hoy siento en el pecho un fuerte dolor
ya estoy frío no puedo moverme
tapame la cara hazme ese favor.

Apr 21, 2014

Electro Pop/ Busy Doin' Nothin'

Ace Wilder

I am, not made for working overtime
And you know
Don't even like the nine to five
I wish all those lazy days were everyday
And you know
Wouldn't want it any other way
Although some might say
I throw life away
I just ain't got time to save
I might be insane
And I may complain
Don't believe no pain no gain

I'm busy, busy, busy
Doin' nothin' at all
I'm stressin' over nothing
Don't bother to call
I'm busy, busy, busy
Doin' nothin' at all
Don't bother to call
I'm doin' nothin' at all

Don't wanna work, work, work
I wanna make money while I sleep
Don't wanna work, work, work
I wanna make money while I dream

I am, always almost there in five
And it's, always the night before deadlines
You know, don't bother calling before noon
Even when, you say later its still too soon
Although some might say
I throw life away
I just ain't got time to save
I might be insane
And I may complain
Don't believe no pain no gain


You may, not approve of my lifestyle
And while, you working I'll be living life
So you, can call me lazy if you like
Don't care, this is the story of my life


Electro/ Miami 82

Syn Cole

[Vocal Mix] ft. Madame Buttons